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  • Events – Accommodating Yourself and Your Attendees

    I recently attended my favorite annual event. It inspired me to create this post about how to run or attend an event for diverse people. Some things I had noticed made this event less accessible: Knowing when/where aspects of the event are – Information about the event location were only provided in the Ticketholder FB…

  • Time Management

    One thing I struggled with my whole life was time management with executive dysfunction. For context, I have Autism Spectrum Disorder. I struggle with executive dysfunction, task initiation (getting started), and maintaining attention during a task.

  • My Friend Has A Disability, How Can I Help?

    Aww. How sweet of you to care about your friend!  This question is super vague. It could be about anyone! So we need to consider how diverse the disability community is. Perhaps it’s an autist on the verge of a meltdown. Maybe it’s a person with an invisible disability and in a lot of pain…